
Technical Guideline TR-03111 Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Elliptic Curve Cryptography: ECDH and ECDSA

Cryptography - The ElGamal Public key System (Public key encryption from Diffie Hellman)

Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptography

CPSC 467: Cryptography and Computer Security

Elliptic Curves

An Introduction to the Theory of Elliptic Curves

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES)

A Survey of the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme

Integrated Encryption Scheme

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES)

A Comparison of the Standardized Versions of ECIES

libsodium doc

ECC Encryption / Decryption

Crypto In Action


使用KA(key agreement)协商一个密钥S,使用KDF基于S生成会话密钥,其实基本上就是ECDH。

会话密钥用于ENC对称加密,同时还有MAC函数, HASH函数。


ec elgamal

el gamal encryption

Elgamal Encryption using Elliptic Curve Cryptography

相当于在ec上的elgamal,此时plaintext长度受限于group size。与rsa类似,计算时要mod N。

实例见 Crypt::PK::ECC

ec point

Elliptic Curves

如果是ec point变换,则受限于ec point的个数。本原根。


ECDSA Malleability

The Exact Security of ECDSA

Elliptic Curve Cryptography: ECDH and ECDSA

How Not to Use ECDSA


(r, s) , (r, -s) 均可校验成功,签名构造。

low-s value 可修复该漏洞。

Verification Without Hash Pre-Image

可根据public key 任意构造(r, s, h)


RFC6979: Deterministic Usage of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

sony ps3 的案例是没有按算法要求生成随机数k。

RFC6979 的处理是,用SP800-90A的HMAC_DRBG随机数生成器生成k,其中,熵值用私钥(x),nonce用hash(message)。

RFC8032 EdDSA的做法也类似。

Deterministic ECDSA and EdDSA Signatures with Additional Randomness

完全确定的签名,又容易被side-channel and fault injection attacks,又把random加回去:Deterministic ECDSA and EdDSA Signatures with Additional Randomness

思路是 random + private key + message 三者结合,搞出随机数,或者签名参数


RFC7748: Elliptic Curves for Security

SafeCurves: choosing safe curves for elliptic-curve cryptography

pairing curve: PBC Library

ECCHacks: A gentle introduction to elliptic-curve cryptography

Explicit-Formulas Database

Edwards curve: x^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2 , p = 3 mod 4

twisted Edwards curve: ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2*y^2 , p = 1 mod 4

short Weierstrass curve: y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b

amicable pair

Amicable pairs and aliquot cycles for elliptic curves

amicable pair: (p, q)

 ˜Ep(Fp) = q and # ˜Eq(Fq) = p and p<q

基于amicable pair进一步扩展,定义size l 的循环为aliquot cycle

l=1的prime即为anomalous prime,ECDLP降至linear time

CM curves: elliptic curves having complex multiplication

if E/Q has CM with j(E) 6 = 0, and if q = # ˜Ep(Fp) is prime, then there are only two possible values for # ˜Eq(Fq), namely p and 2q + 2 − p


Montgomery curves and the Montgomery ladder

Montgomery ladder就是scalar multiples of points的快速算法, n*P算得比较快

Weierstrass curve: a0y^2 + a1xy + a3y = x^3 + a2x^2 + a4*x + a6

Montgomery curve: By^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x

可见,Montgomery curve 属于Weierstrass curve

Montgomery curve可以跟 (twisted) Edwards curve 互相转换

Montgomery curve 的 x(2*P) 可以直接从 x(P) 算得,无需代入y(P)

Montgomery curve 的 x(P + Q) 可以从Montgomery ladder的(X : Y : Z)快速求得



Elliptic curve points indistinguishable from random strings

Elligator: 本质上是如何隐藏信息。

通过string <-> ecc point的映射,使得交互时仅传输string,而非ecc point结构体。

进而使得中间人难以观测到实质上传输的是一个ecc point。

Elligator1 要求:q为prime, q = 3 mod 4, E 为 complete Edwards curve。

curve1174 适用 Elligator1。

Elligator2 要求: y^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + Bx,其中 AB(A^2 - 4B)不为0。

curve25519 适用 Elligator2。

curve25519 vs curve448

Elliptic curve ed25519 vs ed448 - Differences

curve25519 约2^`125, curve448 约 2^224, Curve41417 约 2^200

X25519 vs Ed25519

Why Curve25519 for encryption but Ed25519 for signatures?


  • Fixed-base: 预知固定标量,例如签名计算时的基点乘法
  • variable-base: 动态变换的标量,例如ECDH
  • double-base:做两次标量乘法,然后相加,例如签名校验

X25519针对variable-base计算做了优化,其实就是Montgomery Curve,利用Montgomery ladder搞x轴。

Ed25519针对fixed-base & double-base计算做了优化,其实就是twisted Edwards curve,利用complete twisted Edwards addition law。

因此,默认不用X25519来做Ed25519的签名,但是,也可以结合Montgomery ladder应用,参考qDSA

RFC7748给出了X25519 (u, v)与Ed25519 (x, y)的转换公式。

How do Ed25519 keys work?,图画的挺好。

Using Ed25519 signing keys for encryption,加密时直接用公式把公钥的point中的y转换为u,解密时从ed25519的key做hash提取前32byte的私钥。

use an X25519 key for EdDSA,定义一个从Montgomery私钥k到Edwards曲线的(A, a)的转换,再定义xeddsa、vxeddsa两种签名机制。

the Reference Implementation of Ed25519

Why EdDSA held up better than ECDSA against Minerva

EdDSA for more curves

EdDSA for more curves

Curve25519: new Diffie-Hellman speed records

secret EdDSA scalars 是 n+1 bits,c<=n<=b (这里b=256,c=3),n应该足够大,抗kangaroo攻击。注意,最高bit置1,最低的c bits置0。

sign bit

如果 b-1 bits 的 x > b-1 bits 的 -x,则,置 x 为 negative

压缩表示 b bits 的 (x , y ): b-1 bits 的 y,加上一个sign bit;如果sign bit为1,则标识 x 为 negative。


k 为 EdDSA secret key,b bits string

通过 H(k) 转换为 2b bits 的 string,然后拆分计算签名。由于最终签名(R, S)都有消息M的参与,比较抗锻造。

cofactorless verification

默认的校验是等式两边都乘上 cofactor = 2^c 做校验。如果等式两边不乘以cofactor,即为cofactorless verification。

small group attack

基点选得不好,non-prime order,可能被Pohlig-Hellman method加速计算。


fault attack

Security of Hedged Fiat–Shamir Signatures under Fault Attacks 把去掉的nonce又加上……


01 January 2019


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