- OpenHarmony 笔记 (1): OpenHarmony Verified Boot (HVB)
- overtls
- visio导出所有sheet页为svg,直接嵌入latex
- v2ray
- trojan
- git删除部分commit
- archlinux: beamer
- pdf文件处理,如分割、合并等等
- 使用Magick++转换图片格式
- archlinux
- debian
- Vim
- linux/windows 双系统调整分区后重启显示 grub rescue
- VPS Linux Hotcloning 系统备份,双机热备
- 3proxy
- Firefox OS app 开发笔记
- windows : cmd 控制台 字体
- ssh tunnel
- WWW::Mechanize::Chrome headless 提交表单
- windows下安装plantuml
- Eclipse + Maven 新建 java project,导出可执行的jar
- apache环境下perl Mojolicious站点letsencrypt证书renew失败的问题
- Perl
- Parsing with Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars
- curl / perl HTTP::Tiny 使用浏览器保存的 http cookie
- 用 sendEmail 发送带中文名的邮件附件,下载时附件文件名乱码的问题
- ggplot2 : scale axis 调整坐标轴
- Perl : RTF::Writer 生成rtf文件
- cpan : Net::IDN::Encode 中文域名punycode转换
- rebol 笔记: 字符串处理函数
- rebol 笔记: 嵌套函数 nesting function
- R : kmeans 笔记
- Perl : Gearman 分发任务
- Linux : 用 sendemail 指定 发件人,并发送带附件的邮件
- rebol tips
- Rebol 资料
- rebol 的 parse 解析
- 语法解析相关:REGEX 正则,BNF,RPN
- Csharp
- perl Net::SMTP::SSL 发邮件
- Let Over Lambda
- IP database 地址库
- google chart 画图
- R 数据操作笔记
- 用 wireshark / tshark 分析 adobe flash 在线视频rtmp地址,用rtmpdump下载保存为flv文件
- 取网页并解析数据 :几种 web crawler 对比
- curl : 提交 post 请求 到 https 的form,以sslv3为例
- 几个字符串比对算法 KMP, Horspool , Boyer-Moore, Sunday
- Perl : 中文 unicode, utf8 字符串转换
- 画中国地图 china map
- Lisp
- common lisp 的正则库 cl-ppcre
- Lisp 库 Alexandria Manual
- Perl Web::Scraper 结构化提取网页内容
- CasperJS : 基于 PhantomJS / SlimerJS 的javascript Web Crawler 工具
- perl 管道 pipe
- javascript :从utf8页面选取内容提交到只接收gbk编码的表单乱码的问题
- perl Parse::RecDescent 递归下降解析文本
- R : plyr 笔记
- perl Encode 字符集编码解码
- R : reshape2 笔记
- 给定一个无序数组,找出不在数组中的最小正整数
- R 语言 资料
- hash : 构造冲突串使hash退化为链表
- ChartDirector 安装 (Perl版)
- 用 graphviz 画图
- deleg
- dnssec keytrap
- Note: Adaptive DNS Discovery
- Operational Considerations for use of DNS in IoT devices
- DNS: NXNSAttack
- httpdns
- Android: bionic dns 分析
- 笔记:Resolverless DNS
- DNS解析性能影响参数
- dns multiple question drafts 对比分析
- NSEC + wildcard 的实现缺陷
- httpbis ORIGIN & Secondary Certificate Authentication ; DNS DOH
- DNSSD Privacy
- NSEC3PARAM 的hash迭代次数问题
- RFC6844, DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record
- 搭建 dnsmasq + dnscrypt 解析组合
- SRV & MDNS & DNS-SD & Multicast Discovery Proxy
- draft: Split DNS Configuration for IKEv2
- RFC6408: Diameter S-NAPTR
- debug: Perl Net::DNS 1.06 响应包不带EDNS OPT的问题处理
- dns root: ICANN RSSAC Root Scheme Analysis
- dns : dnssec, nsec(3), nxdomain
- 一些 dns draft 笔记
- DNS-OARC: 2016.04 阿根廷 会议
- DNS : disposable domain query 临时域名查询
- DNS Privacy: 隐私方案分析
- DNS Privacy : NSA’s MORECOWBELL - Knell for DNS 笔记
- draft: pmta 基于DANE的安全支付方案
- DNS-OARC: 2015.10 加拿大 会议
- RFC6698: TLSA
- draft: TLS for DNS
- draft: IPSECA
- draft: confidential dns
- draft: dns cookies
- DNS-OARC: 2015.05 会议
- dns software: 软件识别
- DNS : NSEC5 笔记
- DNS-OARC: 2013 会议
- dns software: pcap 拆包
- DNS Security : DDoS, Hijack, Configure Error, Management 安全事件
- DNS Security: RRL <=> CACHE POISON
- recursive resolver: 递归DNS
- authoritative server: 权威DNS
- DNS Root & Anycast
- DNS software: Bind
- RFC 6891 : DNS EDNS0
- Wireshark 解析 DNS 数据包的细节
- DNS Security: DNSCURVE
- Book: DNS and BIND Cookbook
- Book: DNS in Action
- Book: Pro DNS and BIND
- DNS orgnization: 相关组织机构
- cache dns/forwarding resolver: 缓存递归DNS服务器
- public recursive resolver: 公共递归DNS服务器
- DNS RR 资源记录
- 左传·襄公二十四年: 三不朽
- 王安石《游褒禅山记》
- 飘灯:素衣莫起风尘叹,江湖再见
- 体操追星贴,眭禄
- 体操
- 体操追星贴,江钰源
- 王安石《读孟尝君传》
- 国语: 周语上《召公谏厉王弭谤》
- 张孝祥《六州歌头》
- 绿晋江坑品查看器
- 红晋江帖子的右键查询
- 绿晋江小说的右键查询
- telegram
- dbsc
- Nist SP 800-207A: A Zero Trust Architecture Model for Access Control in Cloud-Native Applications in Multi-Cloud Environments
- BSI TR-02102-3: IPsec/IKE
- SeND
- RFC7435: Opportunistic Security: Some Protection Most of the Time
- Noise
- NISTIR 8344: Ontology for Authentication
- NISTIR 8276: Key Practices in Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management: Observations from Industry
- MLS: Message Layer Security
- cellular algorithm
- Cyber-physical system
- Bluetooth Security
- TR-069
- Time Protocol
- RFC8471: The Token Binding Protocol
- wifi
- zoom security
- NIST: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
- IPv6 Security
- w3c: Verifiable Credentials Data Model
- nfc
- Web Authentication
- Network Service Header (NSH)
- ALTS, Application Layer Transport Security
- mail 邮件相关协议 MX, SMTP, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, ARC, POP, IMAP
- SAML & CA SSO (SiteMinder) & OAuth2 & OpenID & FIDO & Kerberos & JWT & OIDC(OpenID Connect)
- OID-ORS & EPC-ONS & DOI-Handle
- RFC: RPKI & BGPsec
- 广电网络
- 用 pandoc2rfc 生成 ietf draft
- 认证授权协议:OAuth2 笔记
- RPKI ROA 部署问题
- 路由识别 route
- RPKI 概要
- QUIC : quick udp internet connections
- 杂感,安全
- 笔记: BGP安全
- Schnorr MuSig
- kyber kex
- pqxdh
- PuTTY vulnerability vuln-p521-bias
- imessage pq3
- SSH: TerrapinAttack
- openssl OSSL_PARAM 的 endian 处理
- HD Wallets
- Verifiable Delay Functions
- Verifiable Distributed Aggregation Functions
- RFC7664: Dragonfly Key Exchange
- Key Blinding for Signature Schemes
- FIPS 186-5 Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
- BLS Signatures
- The BBS Signature Scheme
- ZKP: Zero Knowledge Proofs, ZK-SNARK
- ProVerif
- RFC 8937: Randomness Improvements for Security Protocols
- ake
- NIST SP 800-185: SHA-3 Derived Functions
- RFC8235: Schnorr Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof
- RSA Blind Signature
- TR-03145-1. Secure CA operation, Part 1
- Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) using Prime-Order Groups
- vrf: verifiable random functions
- On Ends-to-Ends Encryption:Asynchronous Group Messaging with Strong Security Guarantees
- BSI TR-02102-1: Cryptographic Mechanisms:Recommendations and Key Lengths
- Hedged Fiat-Shamir Signature
- hash to curve
- RFC9180: HPKE
- Double Ratchet
- x3dh, signal
- Direct Anonymous Attestation
- KEMTLS: Post-quantum TLS without handshake signatures
- CBC: Padding Oracle Attack
- TLS Raccoon Attack
- 密钥证书关键字
- crypto key
- helib
- paillier crypto
- NIST SP 800-56: Key-Establishment
- tls esni
- RFC 5869: HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
- rfc8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)
- TLS record layer 与 handshake layer 的 protocol version mismatch
- secure random
- QKD: Quantum key distribution
- PQC: supersingular isogeny
- PQC: Lattice-based
- PQC: Multivariate Cryptography
- PQC: code based
- PQC: hash based signature
- SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- PKCS #15 v1.1: Cryptographic Token Information Syntax
- RFC7292 PKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange Syntax
- PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface
- RFC2986 PKCS #10 Certification Request Syntax Specification
- RFC2985: PKCS #9: Selected Object Classes and Attribute Types
- RFC5958 PKCS#8 Asymmetric Key Packages
- RFC5084: Using AES-CCM and AES-GCM Authenticated Encryption in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
- RFC8018 PKCS#5 Password-Based Cryptography Specification
- RFC8017 PKCS#1 RSA
- RFC2631 PKCS#3 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Method
- RFC2315 PKCS#7: Cryptographic Message Syntax
- NIST SP 800-90A DRBG
- ocsp must staple
- Crypto Doc
- ecc
- ASN.1, Certificate, PKCS, openssl
- Extension for protecting (D)TLS handshakes against Denial of Service
- 笔记:Token Binding for 0-RTT TLS 1.3 Connections
- 笔记 :TLS 1.3 & TLS 1.2 Handshake & Resumption
- TLS token binding 安全扩展
- 认证协议:Bitcoin address authentication protocol (BitID)
- 统一登录,支付安全:fido (Fast Identify Online)
- Dual_EC_DRBG 随机数生成算法 NSA后门
- Privacy Pass Protocol Specification
- Privacy
- differential privacy
- Mozilla: 安全、平等、隐私、自由
- IP Anonymization 匿名化处理
- Privacy Pass
- Matter
- Android: on device signing
- Android: LockSettings
- Android: Verified Boot
- Note: apple hap
- Android: Remote Key Provision (RKP)
- MTK: Google Attestation Key Tool User Guide
- RFC9019: A Firmware Update Architecture for Internet of Things
- eap-noob
- Android: Keystore
- android: encryption
- Android: Authentication
- android: apk signing
- MS-CDP: Connected Devices Platform Protocol
- Google Nearby
- Apple Continuity
- Android: FBE
- esim
- iot security
- Note: Apple Platform Security
- ios/android 程序签名校验
- tpm 2.0
- arm aarch64交叉编译,支持openssl
- Trust Zones: A Path to a More Secure Internet Infrastructure
- Arm: Trustzone
- ARM: Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC)
- Arm: virtualization
- Arm: Secure software guidelines
- Arm: Instruction Set Architecture
- Arm: Memory Model
- Arm: Memory Management
- Arm: Generic Timer
- Arm: Exception Model
- Arm: Introducing the Arm architecture
- arm elf
- Arm Secure Boot: Trusted Board Boot Requirements CLIENT (TBBR-CLIENT) Armv8-A
- Secure Boot: Qualcomm Secure Boot and Image Authentication
- DRM Widevine