RFC7664: Dragonfly Key Exchange
Derivation of the Password Element
1) 基于双方id、password、counter计算hash,得到base
base = H(max(Alice,Bob) | min(Alice,Bob) | password | counter)
2) 基于base,派生seed ( 1<= seed < p)
temp = KDF-n(base, "Dragonfly Hunting and Pecking")
seed = (temp mod (p - 1)) + 1
3) 如果seed二次剩余,则作为x;否则counter++,重新计算base。
4) 基于计算E公式,选取较小的y值,得到PE = (x, y)
Commit Exchange
scalar = (private + mask) mod q
Element = - mask * PE
双方互相发送 (scalar, Element)
share = private * (peer-Element + peer-scalar * PE)
= private * peer-private * PE
ss = F(share)
kck | mk = KDF-n(ss, "Dragonfly Key Derivation")
Confirm Exchange
校验confirm,确认可用,则以mk做为master key建立会话
confirm = H(kck | scalar | peer-scalar | Element | Peer-Element | <sender-id>)
resistant to active attack, passive attack, and offline dictionary attack
side-channel attack
small subgroup