
Discontinued Privacy: Personal Data Leaks in AppleBluetooth-Low-Energy Continuity Protocols

Disrupting Continuity of Apple’s Wireless Ecosystem Security: New Tracking, DoS, and MitM Attacks on iOS and macOS Through Bluetooth Low Energy, AWDL, and Wi-Fi

Continuity: apple设备近场通信,基于Bluetooth/BLE/WiFi



BLE 4.0 共 40 个 physical channel,3个用于广播发现(advertisement),37个用于传输(data transmission)

advertisement packet: header + payload (up to 31 bytes)

advertisement data structure: length (1 byte) + type (1 byte) + data (up to 29 bytes)

Manufacturer Specific Data type: 0xFF

device address

device Advertising Address 48 bits,即蓝牙mac地址


  • Public device address: 公开且固定
  • Random Static device address:每次开机启动重新生成
  • Random Non-resolvable device address:随机生成,可定期更新
  • Random Resolvable device address:配对的双方通过交换IRK,结合random value,定期轮换

建议每15 min更新一次


Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) 信号强度


HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP) specifications

Apple Manufacturer Specific Data 域里的payload结构: company identifier (2 bytes) + message (up to 27 bytes)

例如apple的company identifier是 0x004c

message是TLV格式: type (1 byte) + length (1 byte) + value

Content Protection

Continuity message: 作为Advertising packet的一部分

Proximity Pairing & Handoff messages: 含有encrypted payload,aes-128/256-ecb

AirDrop, Nearby Action message (WiFi-SSID, email, phone number): SHA256 -> TRUNC

Handoff, Nearby Action message, Nearby Info message: AES-256-GCM

random device address

BLE per-15 min random address (default)

AirPrint, AirPlay: public MAC address

AirDrop, HeySiri: Random Non-resolvable device address,每次开启蓝牙时随机生成一个地址,然后一直不动

Continuity Protocols

AirPrint: 远程打印。message含printer ip/port

AirDrop: 传文件。message 含2 byte的hash标识, (email + phone number) -> sha256 -> trunc top 16 bits

HomeKit: 智能家居。支持HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP)的家用设备,monitoring & control。message含device id, device category, Global State Number(GSN)。每次状态改变,GSN++。

Proximity Pairing: audio device与iphone/ipad互联。message包含device attr(model, color), UTP position(在耳朵里/在盒子里),电量,充电状态,lid open counter(开盖计数?), encrypted payload

HeySiri: 声音控制设备。message包含Perceptual Hash,SNR, Confidence, Device Class, Random Byte

AirPlay: 多媒体播放。与AirPrint类似,message含AirPlay target的目标IP地址。

Magic Switch: 手表watchOS与配对的iphone互联。watch与iphone断连,且亮屏时,发送此类消息。含 2-byte data域,confidence域

Handoff: 同一账号下的设备,用户activities的活动同步。AES-256-GCM, 还有ECB,IV递增(这两个不好)。

Instant Hotspot: 同一账号下的设备,开热点分享连网。Wifi scan时应寻找的identifier(4-byte)是基于DSID生成,DSID是基于icloud account生成、每24小时rotated。Tethering Target Presence message用于提供identifier信息。Tethering Source Presence message用于提供热点相关能力信息。

Nearby: 一个设备通知附近设备。Nearby Action message: setting up a speaker, 分享wifi密码, 接电话等。Nearby Info message:设备后台同步,不论是否处于锁屏状态,带AuthTag。

Passive tracking

device address 固定

random Resolvable address 长时间不轮换


AD中含static identifier,例如AirDrop/Nearby场景中的 trunc(hash(email + phone number))

AD中含轮换时间比较长的DSID (4 bytes)/SSID, 例如Tethering Target Presence message



明文显示的、可预测的data field,例如递增的lid open counter

Active tracking/linking

replay attack,勾出同account下的设备

corrputed Handoff message:由于IV递增,伪造全0的IV,可以诱导近场所有关联设备主动重连

Global State Number 的规律性可以反向关联

语音控制场景的Perceptual Hash对应的command~

BLE的范围(up to 100m ?!, 61m outdoor, 38m indoor)



minimization message


device address change & continuity protocol message change 尽量同步



security by obscurity does not work.

even companies with extended resources ad dedicated security/privacy teams can not only rely on internal scrutiny of their systems to avoid such issues.


PrivateDrop: Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Apple AirDrop

把private set intersection (PSI) 用到airdrop连接发现上,近场ddos有点问题


12 March 2021


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